By Mark Harding

Firstly, I hope this newsletter find all our members safe and in good health. We are all experiencing unprecedented changes. Spring is usually a time for collectors to plan to attend a decoy show or two. With all the cancelations and shut downs it has not been a good time for collecting. I have been able to finally dust off a few neglected birds and rearrange much of my collection. Time well spent!
The CDOCA show is still planning to go ahead. This may all change, of course, however we are still proceeding to put the show together. The show will run October 1st to 3rd. Room to Room on the 1st & 2nd as well as the AGM on the 2nd with the dealer show on October 3rd running from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
This highly anticipated display The Book Birds - Cover to Cover, had to be canceled along with the Bowmanville Show. So, this is the first time many of these decoys have ever been displayed.
Two contests this year;
Decoys of Quebec & Atlantic Canada
Outdoor Collectibles - The Hunter in Art

I am officially booking tables and will remind everyone that last year we sold out, so book early!
As usual we have a special rate at the Ambassador for all 3 nights. The rate, and the rooms, are held until September 19th. After that date you will not get the rate and may not get a room as they book up very fast. The number to call is 1-800-267-7880.
All this information is available on our web site at: www.canadiandecoy.com
Due to the shutdown, this copy of the Rig is our first email only edition. If you're reading this, then we likely have your email. However, there are still many members that do not provide us with an email. Please check the membership list to make sure your email and address are up to date.
I hope everyone stays safe and watch our website for further updates.

Mark Harding